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Also want higher survival rates for your crops and faster development and growth? Contact us for more information.

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CropCare consists exclusively of natural ingredients and mostly contains seaweed and plant extracts that stimulate vigorous development of the root system. The product ensures an explosive growth in the number of hair roots, resulting in optimal absorption of water and nutrients from the soil. Other ingredients in CropCare optimise the environment in the rhizosphere to provide the best possible conditions for plants to grow. It inhibits soil diseases and increases the vitality of your crop. This product does not affect acidity or calcium content and is therefore perfectly suitable for rooted cuttings. The effects after using this product are higher survival rates and faster development and growth.

Application CropCare

4 litres per hectare with an interval of 4 weeks

Packaging units

10 litre can
20 litre can
200 litre barrel
1000 litre barrel

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