One of the best remedies against agrobacterium is AB gel or spray; a natural wound cover which has to be used after removing the agrobacterum tuber from the plant.
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Request a quote or more informationOne of the best remedies against agrobacterium is AB gel; a natural wound cover which has to be used after removing the agrobacterum tuber from the plant. Various methods can be used to remove the tuber. New tubers can easily be removed by means of twisting them off. Older tubers can be removed by cutting these off with the help of a knife or a pruner. The agrobacterium leftovers on the stems and twigs also need to be removed before applying the AB gel.
Agrobacterium is a well-known problem in professional rose cultivation. Few biological and chemical remedies are known to combat this disease. Preventing agrobacterium is nearly impossible and therefore trials have been made with new developed products to slow down the growth of agrobacterium tubers that are already present.
AB gel is a ready to use product which can be applied directly on the infected part of the plant. It is important that open wounds are well covered with this product to minimize the chance of re-infection. AB gel is completely harmless for the plant, so it is no problem that parts of the plant that are still good will also be covered. Leave the wound alone after treating with the AB gel. The product needs time to penetrate and dry out the wound. The penetration into the wound lasts approximately 36 hours. During these 36 hours the wound will remain humid. The wound, provided it has been properly cleaned out, should heal slowly and dry out in time. Depending on the climate, the recovery period will take about 2 weeks.
10 litre can
20 litre can
200 litre barrel
1000 litre barrel
It is important that after removing the agrobacterium tubers, that these are collected and removed from the company’s premises. Do not put these tubers in a composting compartment, but rather burn these if possible.
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