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    AgroArgentum® is the best root stimulator and promotes flower formation: maximum development of roots with better quality, length and thickness. Up to 15% more flowers, and consequently more fruits, bigger and with better quality. AgroCyprum® and AgroArgentum® are the best in building tolerance in the plants: reduction, even elimination of pesticides. It also enhances the photosynthesis, thus resulting in a plant with more energy and more carbohydrate production what means more and earlier harvest.

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    AgroCyprum® is a copper EC fertilizer solution with the optimized concetration of all its ingredients. It contains 3% copper nanoparticles that thanks to the reduced size of its component, is more bioavailable for the plants.​

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    AgroCalcium® is a calcium EC fertilizer solution with the optimized concetration of all its ingredients. It contains 20% calcium, 1,5% magnesium and 1,5% silicon, made from microfine ground rock flour that thanks to the reduced size of its component, is more bioavailable for the plants.

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    AgroFerrum® is an iron EC fertilizer solution with the optimized concetration of all its ingredients. It contains 15% iron nanoparticles that thanks to the reduced sized of its component, is more bioavailable for the plants.

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    Call our sales team at: +31 297 5249 19
    Mail us at: info@hsibv.com