We supply rock wool substrate solutions. The lightweight hydroculture substrate is available in blocks or slabs. Rock wool ensures a fast and effective distribution of water and nutrients. This allows maximum use of the substrate volume, which will lead to a fast, healthy development of the plant's rooting system.
For any questions about our product range, please contact us below.
We supply rock wool substrate solutions. The lightweight hydroculture substrate is available in blocks or slabs. Rock wool ensures a fast and effective distribution of water and nutrients. This allows maximum use of the substrate volume, which will lead to a fast, healthy development of the plant’s rooting system.
In the first place, a good propagation block is sturdy and dimensionally stable. The block, and also the plant, has the least chance of damage during the cultivation process. This helps ensure delivery to the grower. Good saturation and re- saturation of the block are also essential during the propagation phase.
As a grower, you continually aim for a good plant balance; the optimal balance between generative and vegetative growth. The EC in the root environment is an important steering tool since it determines whether water and nutrients are easily absorbed. It is logical that you want to keep this parameter under control as well as possible.
Do you have a request or a comment about our services, products or do you just have a question. Then contact us!
Call our sales team at: +31 297 5249 19
Mail us at: info@hsibv.com